Out of the House

So after 5 years of doing nothing but taking care of things in our own home I am attempting a part time job. I never would have imagined I would have anything to offer an employer with two kids under 5, no college diploma, and a husband in law school. Several weeks ago I dropped Clayton off at Mother's Day Out, and decided to go window shop at the mall instead of going straight home to clean. I walked into my favorite kids shop and was asked if I was looking for a part time job. Shocked I stuttered that I could only work Mondays and Wednesdays while my kids were both in school. Perfect she said just fill out this application. The next thing I new I was working. It isn't much, but just getting to accomplish something outside the home is a blast. It has been a little hard to adjust to the new responsibility, but Jason and the kids have been wonderfully supportive. Hopefully soon I will figure out how to get everything at home done in less time than I used to have. In the mean time I am enjoying the new experience even if it means that our home is a little disheveled. Who new something I once dreaded, going to work in a clothing store, could be so wonderful.

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